As we all are adjusting to what may be the “new normal” for a while, you can be assured that many reliable sources are making every effort to keep you informed about changes in procedures and policies regarding the college application process.
Some recent updates:
Standardized testing dates: NACAC continues to offer insights and information about cancellations and rescheduling of standardized tests.
- The May 2 SAT has been canceled. Makeup exams that had been scheduled for March 28 have also been canceled. Dates for future tests will be determined at a later date. Registered students will receive refunds.
- ACT Tests: ACT has rescheduled its April 4 national test date to June 13 across the U.S. All students who had registered for that test date will receive an email from ACT with information about the postponement. They will also get instructions for free rescheduling to June 13 or a future national test date. The ACT website will offer frequent updates.
AP classes and tests: AP Central has offered a great deal of academic support for schools in order to complete the requirements of AP courses. As of now, they are working on solutions that may allow students to take AP tests at home. That will depend on the situation in May. If schools are open in May, exams will still be given May 4–8 and 11–15, with late testing scheduled for May 20–22. According to AP Central: “If a school is already closed or needs to close in March or April, AP makeup testing dates will be available.”
Look for updates by March 20 on testing and extensions on portfolio submissions for AP 2-D Art and Design, 3-D Art and Design, Computer Science Principles, Drawing, Research, and Seminar courses.
Some colleges may extend deposit dates: Accept Group has created a list of schools that have recently moved their deadlines for sending deposits for incoming freshmen to June 1. Refer to your college’s websites and postings for updated information.
Common App Support: Common App is monitoring the situation and has recently indicated its support to students and counselors. Support is available 24/7/365. Read this message from the Common App regarding the virus. They have many resources and answers to questions.
Please know that I am here for you in these difficult times. I am monitoring decisions, changes and cancellations which I will pass on to you. If you have specific questions or concerns, please let me know.